The End of The World (formerly titled The Apocalypse) is an upcoming action comedy movie directed by Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen. The film is based on the short film Jay and Seth vs. the Apocalypse, starring Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel as two friends in an apartment as the world ends. The feature movie is currently filming. It should hit theaters on June 14, 2013.
Take a look to those pictures from the set of The End of The World:
(Click on a picture to enlarge.)
Plot: "While attending a party at James Franco's house, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and many other celebrities are faced with the apocalypse."
You may watch below the trailer of the original short film:
From what I heard we may expect cameos of quite a few stars in the new film: James Franco, Danny McBride, Aziz Ansari, Jonah Hill, Craig Robinson, Michael Cera, Jason Segel, David Krumholtz, Rihanna and Emma Watson.
Stay tuned with us for more details about The End of The World. :)